Please note: expected shipment times specify when an item is expected to leave our warehouse, not when the item will arrive at its final shipping destination. After your order leaves our warehouse, delivery times vary according to the shipping method you select during Checkout and the location of your shipping address. Remote locations that are not readily accessible may require additional time to make delivery.

You will not be billed for items purchased with a credit card until they have shipped. You may see a temporary charge for items purchased with a debit or bankcard immediately upon order confirmation. This is a standard practice to verify the validity of the card, and the charge will be removed when your item has been shipped and charged properly for the full amount.

In-Stock Items
Most orders for In-Stock items begin shipping as soon as your online purchase is completed. Items are shipped once they are located in stock, your payment is approved, and the receiving address is verified.

Online-Only Items
Online-Only items can only be purchased on our site and are not available in our retail locations.